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    ProCompass utilizes assessments from Target Training International (TTI) to assist clients in understanding behaviors, values, motivators and key performance factors that determine how well employees, managers, executives and work teams perform together to achieve the goals of the organization.  These assessments are well recognized in industry are are highly validated to provide accurate and useful information.  These assessments are available in the following categories:

    Success Insight Series

    • Behavioral Assessments.  We all know that different people behave differently.   These assessment help individuals understand their own behavioral and communications styles and how they relate to other styles of behavior and communication.  These assessments are available for Management-Staff, Executives, Sales Profession, Customer Service and Health Care Professions. 

    • Attitudes, Values and Motivators Assessments.  Everyone has an attitude, and attitudes are based upon personal values, things that are important to the individual.  Understanding values is important in the workplace because values are what motivates employees.

    • Personal Performance Factors.  Everyone determines the importance of things in different manners and the way we assign value to people, objects and events determines  how well we can perform in a variety of area.  Based on the Hartman Value Index, the TTI Personal Talent Skills Inventory evaluates over eighty personal performance attributes

    Job Performance Benchmarking and Assessment

    • TriMetrixTM Series.  The revolutionary TriMetrix System enables businesses to benchmark jobs and assess the talents they require for maximum performance. The process can be applied and reapplied to any job, anytime in a constantly changing business environment.  A job benchmark can then be used to assess job candidates or those incumbent in a position.

    • Task Quotient Series. This assessment evaluates a job by the distribution of work as defined by either Routine, Project or Trouble Shooting.  Employee preferences for certain types of work can then be matched to the job distribution.

    OD Survey

    The OD survey systems provides valuable information about the organization, its leadership and the individuals in the organization:

    • 360 Degree Surveys provide input to executives, managers and individual contributors regarding how they are perceived by their manager, subordinates and peers

    • Employee Satisfaction Surveys provide input to management regarding employee motivation and alignment with the corporate goals and mission.

    • Customer Satisfaction Surveys provide feedback to the organization in how well it is serving their most important stakeholders

    Certification Makes a Difference.

    ProCompass owner and principal, John Yost has been certified by rigorous testing and regular assessment to effectively administer, evaluate and deploy these assessment: