From: John Yost []
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 2:41 PM
To: Business Leader
Subject: ProCompass Newletter - Issue 18


Issue 18                                                                                    January 20, 2004


The ProCompass Newsletter is a publication of ProCompass Management Services shared with over 400 subscribers on the first and third Tuesday of each month.  Please share this information with your friends and associates. 


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In this Issue:


How Are You Increasing Value?


If you are a businessperson you are surely concerned with value.  Certainly your business dealings are designed to increase value to your business.  And when you provide your products or services to you customers or clients you are actually fulfilling their needs and thereby increasing value to them.  When you provide good products and services you get additional business referrals from you customers and other businesspersons who know you, and of course you reciprocate with business referrals for them.  That is the very nature of business, to increase value.

If you are employed by others you are also part of a value chain.  Your efforts in behalf of the company increase its value for which you are provided valuable compensation.  But the value chain does not end here.  If you are a manager or other formal leader, part of your job is to develop other leaders to further increase their own value as well as the company�s.  If you are not a manager or formal leader you can still contribute to the extended value chain by faithfully executing your assigned roles and setting an example for management and others.  This is a form of informal leadership, which increases your own value, as well as that of the company and others.

In you family and social life you value your spouse, your children and your friends.  They provide the social and emotional support required to sustain you.  Don�t you also provide value to you family and friends by helping fulfill their needs, by offering kind counsel when asked, and by just being there when needed?

In your professional and civic life you value the groups to which you belong or which provide assistance to you.  You also provide value to such groups by making donations or volunteering to assist in the various activities they carry out.

Creating value is part of the human condition.  But as you have noticed, value is not a one way street; you only gain value when you give it. 

How are you increasing value?



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John Yost

ProCompass Management Services

(831) 438-7833