From: John Yost []
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 7:25 AM
To: Business Leader
Subject: ProCompass Newletter - Issue 17


Issue 17                                                                                    January 6, 2004


The ProCompass Newsletter is a publication of ProCompass Management Services shared with over 400 subscribers on the first and third Tuesday of each month.  Please share this information with your friends and associates. 


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In this Issue:


Thanks to staff writer Dan Miller for the idea behind this article.


Are You Ready to Manage This Year?


During the recent economic slowdown I have heard many employees express concern over managements leadership.  Even if a company has managed to weather the storm, there are frequently concerns about job security, excessive workloads and concern for the general welfare of the company.  Pending layoffs, increasing demands from management and a general sense of uncertainty about the economy and the company have left many employees with a feeling of apprehension concerning their jobs and the welfare of their companies.  But now that the economy is showing signs of improvement, most of those fears and concern are gone we can now expect everyone one on our team to adapt a positive attitude and approach their jobs with energy and enthusiasm, Right?


Well, maybe this will happen, but sometimes the impacts of a negative environment take a long time to correct.  And, with an improving economy there are more opportunities for employees to find other sources of employment.  In order to keep a focused and balanced team it is a good idea for managers to follow some simple guideline to keep a committed and productive work team as we go into this New Year.


Share the Vision.  Most people are willing to work for a leader and a cause, but they must know what the cause is and how it fits with their own values system.  Effective leaders bond their work teams by creating a strong vision for the future. 


Integrity Matters.  Employees are very good and finding out what a manager considers important by observing what he does as well as he says.  Any incongruity between ones words and ones deeds can easily become the source of confusion and demoralization.


Empower the work team.  Spend enough time in the trenches to understand the issues that they face and how you can help them achieve their goals, but avoid doing their jobs for them.  Provide specific and timely feedback to assist them. Your people are the most important reason for you being there.  Good leaders develop other good leaders.


Don�t be afraid to have fun.  We all spend too much of our time at work for it not to be enjoyable.  Set the stage for people to laugh, be lighthearted and to think outside the box when appropriate.





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John Yost

ProCompass Management Services

(831) 438-7833