From: John Yost
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 5:22 AM
To: Business Leader
Subject: ProCompass Newsletter - Issue 15


Issue 15                                                                                    December 2, 2003


The ProCompass Newsletter is a publication of ProCompass Management Services shared with over 400 subscribers on the first and third Tuesday of each month.  Please share this information with your friends and associates. 


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In this Issue:


How Well Do You Respect Your Customers Rights?

The ability to identify and respond to customer’s needs and requirement is often the difference between success and failure.  Customers are as much as five times more willing to forgive product failures than they are service failures.  It should be no surprise that many companies find that effective customer services is a business necessity and core element of competitive advantage.  So, if retaining customers is important to a company’s competitive advantage, then improving and enhancing customer service must be an important issue!  But, businesses are bombarded with many critical and important issues; competitors, financing and operational issues constantly compete for the attention of business owners and managers.  Unfortunately customers are often given too low a priority in many companies and when they are not treated in accordance with their expectations, they often respond by taking their business elsewhere.

Many businesses excel at providing customer service and reap the rewards of having loyal satisfied customers.  But, far too many businesses fail to respond to customers needs in an effective manner.  Such failure is usually not intentional, it stems rather from a lack of understanding of a customers basic rights.  Yes, customers have rights!  I like to think of this as the “Customer Bill of Rights”

        Customers have the right to courteous treatment at all times from a seller’s representative.  They have the right the right to be listened to attentively and with understanding. 

        Customers have the right to have their expectations met in regards to the seller’s products and services, and they have the right to complain if their expectations are not met as represented by the seller. 

        A customer has the right to accurate and timely information regarding his or her orders and should expect knowledgeablilty, resourcefulness and concern from those providing service.

        A customer has the right to expect responsibility and teamwork from the seller’s representatives, without buck-passing or blame setting.

        A customer has the right to be appreciated, both for the business given and for future business. 

How many of these basic courtesies do you regularly experience from the companies you do business with?  How many times do you see them lacking?  How many times do you extend these courtesies to your customers on a regular basis?



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John Yost

ProCompass Management Services

(831) 438-7833